We might take our bones for granted, but it’s not till the ache starts till we realize the importance of healthy bones. The persistent discomfort and dull throbs are a reminder by the body that bones are not a static entity; they are a living tissue that needs attention to function well.
Care for the bones is something not designated only to old people and those with throbbing limbs. The process of care for bones should very well start in the childhood, for better prospects in the future; our bone mass maxs out after we hit our twenties, and in the thirties, starts depleting.
Therefore, everyone should actively strive for healthy bones. Following are some ways to help you keep your bones strong:
You may not like to exercise, but it is the gateway to healthy bones and body. Alongside making your bones and muscles strong, exercise also prevents loss of bone mass in the body as well.
Best exercises for building bones include high-impact and resistant training. However, those with bone-diseases and recent recoveries should first clear with their Orthopedic Surgeon in Lahore about when they can exercise, and the progression of their exercise regimen to prevent further injury to the bones.
Resistance and strength training helps in building muscle, which then as pulls on the bones, helps them get stronger as well. Resistant training is also beneficial for improving the strength and size of the bones.
Furthermore, as being sedentary puts people at risk of osteoporosis, regular exercise also aids in curbing this risk. Exercise also is great for improving balance and coordination, and therefore prevents falls and fractures, saving bones from further fatigue.
So, take up fun exercises like walking, running or challenging ones like weightlifting to secure your bones.
Calcium Is Your Best Friend
Calcium is an important mineral for the bones. To improve bone density, it is important that body be supplied this essential mineral. Moreover, as the loss in bone mass, an incorrigible part of aging, it is imperative that sufficient calcium be taken daily to replenish the loss.
Children especially should be given foods rich in calcium, so that their bone mass is higher to begin with. Their body also needs greater quantity of calcium as the bones are still growing. Post-menopausal women also need higher quantity of calcium, as menopause puts them at the risk of osteoporosis.
Whereas you can take calcium supplements for building bones, it is preferred that you incorporate calcium rich foods in the diet instead. Supplements have a greater tendency of causing calcium related heart issues, as opposed to dietary calcium.
Moreover, calcium intake should be spread throughout the day. Rather than eating one calcium rich meal, incorporate a little with every meal, as more calcium you take, the lesser body can absorb.
Dairy is an excellent source of calcium, but not the only one. Other calcium rich foods include green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale etc. Moreover, fish like sardine –which has bones—is also good source of calcium. Fortified flour products like bread is also good calcium source.
Cut Back On Caffeine
Coffee might be the fuel that keeps you going, however, too much of it might be the precise reason why your bones ache.
Caffeine, when not taken in moderation, can interfere with body’s ability to absorb calcium, thereby, indirectly leading to loss in bone mass. Thus, limit your caffeine intake accordingly.
Quit The Cigarettes
Smoking kills, but, if that’s not a reason enough to make you quit it, your aching bones might convince you otherwise.
Cigarettes also interfere with body’s ability to absorb calcium. When body is unable to make up for the loss, bones turn fragile.
Pair Calcium With Vitamin D
For your body to be able to absorb the calcium, you also need to adequate supply of vitamin D in your life. Sunlight serves as an excellent source of vitamin D, however, still, a large number of people suffer from vitamin D deficiency in their lives.
Roughly, 10-15 minutes of sunlight per week is sufficient for boosting vitamin D levels. As too much exposure to sunlight and ergo UV radiation is not good for your body as well, therefore, time yourself accordingly.
In certain areas, sunlight is not sufficient, especially during winters. You can also then take your vitamin D from dietary sources. Foods rich in vitamin D include shrimp, orange juice, fortified flours and cereals, egg yolks, cheese, liver. Alternatively, you can also get vitamin D supplements as well.
As vitamin D is fat soluble, therefore, it mustn’t be overdone. Visit an expert like Orthopedic Surgeon in Karachi for the prescription of respective tests, and the supplement regimen accordingly.