Struggling with insomnia is unfortunately an all-too-familiar problem for innumerable individuals across the globe. However, by spending the time needed to learn more about its causes and possible remedies, it really is something that can be successfully managed in most cases. Keep on reading to gain lots of terrific insights on this frustrating affliction.
If you can’t fall asleep, despite being really tired, try taking a warm bath. Experts recommend treating insomnia with a 15 minute soak. Avoid extreme temperatures, or staying in too long. The warm water should work to ease any muscle tension you’re experiencing and help you to finally fall asleep.
Stay away from tobacco, alcohol, and even caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant, so you’re doing the exact opposite as calming your nerves when you use it. Alcohol and tobacco have been proven to actually worsen your sleeping, so neither is good to use when you’re suffering from bad insomnia.
If nothing else is working for you, prescription medication may be a viable last resort. Your physician will be the best source of advice about these.
If you take naps in order to catch up on missed sleep, you may in fact be harming your chances of getting proper sleep at night. Your mind associates darkness as well as a consistent bedtime with sleep. When you start taking naps, it can start to mess with your sleep patterns and your mind.
Limit the amount of time you spend in bed. Your bed is for sleeping and not to pay your bills or make phone calls. It is also important that you refrain from listening to your radio or watching your television while in bed. These types of activities make you alert and make it extra difficult to fall asleep.
Even if you are very tired, resist the urge to sleep in on the weekends. If you let yourself rest for an extra hour or two, you could mess up your sleeping schedule for the week. Once you wake up, get out of bed. Do not allow yourself to fall back asleep or to stay in bed for a while.
Introduce a nightly ritual of quiet time before bed. Television, smartphone and tablet use are common for many people as they prepare to sleep. These devices can create over-stimulation in your brain and prevent the proper shutdown needed for rest. Avoid these devices and opt for a good book or writing in a journal.
Set a wake up time and stick with it. If you get up for work at the same time each weekday, get up around that same time on the weekends. The more consistency you have in your sleep schedule, the better your body will adjust. You have to train your body to battle insomnia.
Prepare for the next day ahead by getting your clothes ready for work, packing your purse or briefcase, and charging your smartphone’s battery. Thinking about whether or not you are prepared for the following day can force you to stay awake at night. This is especially true when you are getting ready to leave on vacation.
Caffeine may give you an instant pick me up in the morning, but keep in mind that high can last as long as 12 hours! That means you shouldn’t have any caffeine after noon, and limit how much you get in the morning as well. Drink no more than two sodas, teas or coffees.
There can be little argument about the disruptive impact insomnia can have on the lives of those who deal with it on a frequent basis. The truth, though, is that when armed with some solid information and guidance on dealing with the problem effectively, it does not have to be a chronic situation. Hopefully this article has been a useful resource for readers everywhere.