Helpful Tips For Those Dealing With Painful Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are an affliction plaguing a surprisingly wide variety of individuals. They can cause serious irritation and reduction in one’s quality of life. The key to effectively battling hemorrhoids is the acquisition of a wide variety of quality information regarding possible treatments and solutions.

If you are having problems with hemorrhoids, it is very important to keep your anal area as clean as possible. You should clean your anal area multiple times a day. Cleaning the anal area can help prevent infection. If you get an infection, it could lead to abscesses in the anal area.

One way to relieve your hemorrhoids is to apply ice to your hemorrhoid to help relieve pain. This is a cost effective method of relieving pain that only takes a little bit of money. Keep your life comfortable when you control your hemorrhoids by applying ice to the affected area.

Use witch hazel for you affected area, if you are dealing with hemorrhoids. It is one of the best things you can use for it! Witch hazel is a wonderful astringent that will lessen the redness and help your hemorrhoids to heal properly. Apply a thin layer of witch hazel on your skin to improve your physical state.

If you are suffering from this problem you will want to maintain even better hygeine than normal. Think about investing in some type of wet toilet paper instead of using the normal dry one, and also be sure to clean very well twice or even more times during every day.

Lifting heavy items can cause hemorrhoids. The stress it can produce on the entire body equals that experienced when you strain to move your bowels. If you find that you are having regular occurrences with hemorrhoids you really should consider finding a way to avoid heavy lifting altogether.

Use proper lifting techniques with heavy objects. The strain you put on your body with lifting is equivalent to the stress of straining in the bathroom. This can not only affect other areas of your body, but strain your anus as well. If you can avoid lifting heavy objects all together you will keep the strain to a minimum.

Try using an ice pack to reduce swelling and alleviate pain from a hemorrhoid flareup. Some people also find applying over the counter creams or witch hazel to the affected area helpful in reducing swelling. To prevent further hemorrhoid irritation use a donut pillow when sitting or avoid sitting altogether.

To relieve the pain, itching and inflammation of hemorrhoids, try medicated witch hazel pads. These special pads are soaked in witch hazel and can be tucked against the hemorrhoid to soothe the irritated area while shrinking the swelling. Witch hazel towelettes are also available, if you prefer a swipe-and-go solution.

Take a fiber supplement. Fiber will help to soften your stool but if you do not enjoy eating fruits and vegetables, you will not get a recommended amount of fiber. When taking a fiber supplement, you should always make sure to keep up with your fluid intake or it may cause more problems.

A great way to keep your hemorrhoid problems at bay is to eat foods that are high in fiber. This helps by softening your stool and making it pass easier. Along with the fiber, eat lots of fruits like grapes, watermelon, and papaya, as well as vegetables which are high in fiber like okra and cabbage.

By putting these tips into action, you have the ability to conquer your hemorrhoid problem. You don’t have to continue to suffer. Patiently try each suggestion until you get relief.